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Explosion of electric motorcycles, frequent danger in Cuba

Explosion of electric motorcycles, frequent danger in Cuba

The small bouquet of flowers in front of the house of mixed construction with masonry and wood structures inside. Talk about a tragedy.

A government statement published on the social network Facebook reported on the incident.

An explosion of electric mopeds, which were at the entrance to the living room in the house. A tragedy that the Cuban fire department itself echoed, showing concern about similar explosions linked to the rise of the “motorinas”, as electric mopeds are called on the island.

The so-called motorinas have been promoted by the government in Cuba, as efficient alternatives in the midst of the extreme shortage of gasoline and diesel, as well as as a solution to the country’s chronic transportation problems. The fire department has cited as causes of explosions, excessive use of batteries that are not given the established rest.

In addition to manual modifications by “non-professionals” of vehicle security systems… to make them faster or more efficient, they also add inadequate maintenance and cleaning with pressurized water.

“In my workshop I am the one who repairs the batteries (of electric motorcycles) because it is a job that must be done carefully. It must be done calmly and with great caution. You must have the necessary equipment”, says the owner of the workshop.

Since 2019, the authorities on the island have reported more than 3,000 fires involving motorcycles and electric mopeds.

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