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Extraterrestrial civilizations could contact Earth by the year 2029, according to scientists

the year 2029 It can be transcendental for the Earth. According to a group of scientists, it is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations contact our planet by then.

He did not say Mafe Walker, nor did any other self-proclaimed seer. It is the fruit of serious investigations of several years.

Reilly Derrick y Howard Isaacson, scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles and Berkeley estimated the trajectories of powerful radio transmissions from Earth towards multiple spacecraft sent by NASA and other agencies.

According to calculations, if there is a possibility of receiving a return message, it is scheduled for 2029. Everything was disclosed in the magazine Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

The scientists also determined what stars, along with any planets with possible extraterrestrial life, they are better placed to receive the messages.

The method to reach 2029 as the year of possible contact with extraterrestrial civilizations

Derrick and Isaacson rely on the analysis of the signals sent to ships such as Voyager 1 and 2, Pioneer 10 and 11, and New Horizons. This determined the speed with which signals could be sent back to Earth from those ships.

If there are extraterrestrial civilizations that they picked up some of the signals, and have a chance to respond, estimates point to at least six years of waiting for the message to reach our planet.

But if they don’t exist, so there is no message. As simple as that.

The ships have been communicating with Deep Space Network (Deep Station Network) of NASA, downloading information through the radio antennas. Each of them had contact with at least one star.

Therefore, for Derrick and Isaacson, if there is extraterrestrial life in the system, a message could reach our planet in 2029. Will it be possible?

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