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Facebook is celebrating its anniversary! How old has this social network been and what news will it bring?

The social network with the most users in the world is celebrating its anniversary. Facebook complied 19 years and has 2 billion daily active users in the world. “@facebook now has 2 billion actives every day”, Posted Meta on social networks, celebrating the historic figure.

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“Whether you’re creating recipe rolls or sharing photos from your latest trip, you can discover and engage with communities, friends and family (…)”also noted the post and invites users to comment on what they have discovered on Facebook over the years.

What is the most used social network in Peru?

According to him study We are Social with market research and intelligence companies, in their 2022 report Facebook continues to position itself as the most used social network in Peru. It is estimated that its reach exceeds 24 million accounts.

“It is considered the social network with the most adult presence, although at the same time it remains the most popular social network in the world; while TikTok It is the youngest social network not only because of its short time on the internet but also because of its audience (mostly millennials)”, he pointed David Gutierrez Bolivar, technology expert from the Chinese company Realme.

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In which social network do Peruvians consume more news?

He Digital News Report 2022 study from the Reuters Institute, published last june revealed that Peruvian users still prefer Facebook as the social network to consume news. They are followed by YouTube and WhatsApp; although TikTok and YouTube are the ones that grew the most that year.

Facebook is the social network most used by Peruvians to consume news. (Composed, Isabel Medina / Trome).

Reels, feeds, updates and more

For its part, Facebook keep improving features, show reels (short clips) and feeds (constantly updated list of stories), ways to personalize, communities, updates and additional privacy settings that reinforce the protection of adolescents by joining this social network, since in the app they will be able to determine:

Who can see your friends listwho can see the people, pages and lists they follow, who can see the posts they are tagged in on their profile, also approve posts they are tagged in before it appears on their profile, who can comment on your public posts.

And among the challenges of the company points to two big ‘tech waves’: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in the long term the metaverse.

Know that:

  • According to We are Social 2022: Peru has registered 21.89 million active internet users (with smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, among others).
  • The Digital News Report 2022 also indicates that 59% (6 out of 10) share news on social networks, instant messaging or email.

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