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Faculty of Political Sciences of the UNAM suspends activities due to lack of water

If with water, the bathrooms and facilities of the UNAM are not characterized by being the most neat… now imagine the situation without a drop of the vital liquid. So, for this reason, it is that the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences will suspend activities until further notice.

In a statement signed by the director of the UNAM faculty, Dr. Carola García Calderónit is warned that the lack of water is due to a small fault in the network that is responsible for distribution… and since you can’t see when the damage will be fixed, well, no way. There will be no classes or any other activities on campus.


“He informed them that the General Directorate of Works and Conservation of UNAM is not in a position to ensure the regularity of the supply of the vital liquid for tomorrow (that is, today, May 12)”points out the director of the Faculty of Political Sciences.

According to what the statement insinuates, the failure that causes there to be no water on the UNAM campus does not have a time to be fixed, therefore, it is not said “no, then come to class next week”… but rather, “until new notice”. So the community will have no choice but to be very aware of the information that is disseminated.

Facilities of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM / PHOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL / CUARTOSCURO.COM

The problems of water in the Faculty of Political Sciences of the UNAM seem to be a constant. Sas indicated Political Animal, Just last Monday, May 8, the same thing, classes were suspended due to the same problem. Except that there they were told to “come back tomorrow”… evidently, the solution that is given to the problem is only to get out of the way.

Well, one more event that cuts the pace of activities. Just less than a month ago, the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences He joined the strike called to protest the lack of resources to cover the maintenance scholarships.

Although other faculties that joined this movement did so for a long time, Political Science did so for only one day, during which activities were not completely stopped (in theory)… there were no classes, but assemblies were held to decide what further action to take.

From there, two marches were held to protest the matter and, since then, things seem to have relaxed a bit.

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