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Fallen trees block road – billboard blown down overnight

It continues to blow strongly on Friday morning and according to the Swedish Transport Administration, trees are blocking a minor road in Uddala in the Enköping district.

The emergency services have received a number of calls about trees on the road during the night and morning.

– But it is nothing alarming that we have received in any case, Fredrik Dackland, commanding officer of the central rescue center.

A tree had blown down over a major cycle path parallel to national highway 55 in Uppsala on the night of Friday. Photo: SVT

During the night, SMHI warned of strong winds in large parts of the country, in places with the risk of storm gusts with wind gusts of up to 23-25 ​​meters/second.

Around midnight on the night of Friday, the alarm was raised about a tree on the road in central Uppsala.

– A large tree fell on Storgatan between UKK and Katalin, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, press spokesperson at police region center.

Also on Gamla Uppsalagatan, a large sign blew out into the road. The police, in turn, alert the Swedish Transport Administration or the municipality to deal with the obstacles.

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