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Far Cry 5 si fa nextgen: the Father preaches at 60fps his PS5 and Xbox Series X/S – Updated

Far Cry 5, the game Ubisoft has sold its PS4 and Xbox One, will soon be the protagonist of “an important surprise” its PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Tra pochi giorni, infatti, si will celebrate the fifth anniversary of Far Cry 5 and Ubisoft invites all the enthusiasts of the open world to participate in the festivities.

With the eloquent message that found in the news, the social team of Ubisoft ci spiega che “Nelle next settimane ci will be the fifth anniversary of Far Cry 5, celebrate it with us! Stay tuned to this page to scout you will be surprised that we had in serbo per voi, even one Functionality very rich for the console of the new generation.

Do not serve the gift of the preveggenza of Padre Joseph Seed for Potizzare imminent arrival of a Patch Next Gen for Far Cry 5 I consent to all users of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S to access the most advanced graphic presets, with some that dovrebbero will be interested in the framerate, the resolution and forse also the texture, the particular effects, the distance of visuals and other aspects that possano will contribute to rendering more immersive and ‘visually appealing’ the exploration of the open world map.

At the same time as a chiarimento from the French publisher and sviluppatore, I saw lasciamo in the company of our Far Cry 5 review.

Update of March 16, pray 18:20 – Ubisoft has recently released Update 1.18 of Far Cry 5 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. The free update, as suggested by the social teaser, introduces a mode that consents to giocare lo sparatutto open world at 60fps its latest generation Sony and Microsoft platform.

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