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Farm celebrity viewers react to special detail

Every year the Farmen celebrity participants travel 100 years back in time. They have to deal with an outdoor toilet, no shower, and all food and sustenance is only available on the farm.

Being thrown back a century is not easy for the participants, and several have admitted that the fight for survival was much harder than first expected.

Although the experience there and then feels real to the participants, alert viewers noticed a particular detail in the Tuesday’s episodewhich did not fit the era.

Intruders entered Farmen kendis – participant considered withdrawing

“Did they have it in 1923?”

Despite the fact that this year’s Farmen celebrity participants will live in 1923, the recording technically took place in the summer of 2022. Every year, the production works hard to ensure that the experience is as authentic as possible for both the participants and the viewers.

Among other things, participants do not get access to any kind of technology, they have to cook everything from what they either have access to on the farm or can buy at the market, and they are not allowed to shower with shampoo and conditioner.

Several of the participants have told TV 2 that the turnaround from an everyday life in 2022 to 1923 was more difficult than first thought. Already in the second week, influencer Malin Nesvoll (33) completely broke down.

Although most of the content gives the impression of an authentic experience in 1923, viewers of Tuesday’s episode noticed one particular detail.

“Did they wear gloves on the farm in the old days?”asks one of the viewers in a Facebook group.

“I don’t think gloves were invented at that time, and at least not disposable gloves”someone replies in the comment field.

“Would you handle cow poo without gloves?”, asks another.

USED ​​DISPOSABLE GLOVES: Several of the Farmen celebrity viewers were quick to point out that plastic gloves did not exist in 1923. Photo: TV 2

TV 2 answers

Despite the fact that the participants must live as similar as possible to what they did in 1923, not everything can be done, explains TV 2.

– We always strive to go for equipment and solutions that are as up-to-date as possible. On rare occasions, however, it is the case that we have to go for alternative and more modern variants, says press manager at TV 2 Jan-Petter Dahl.

The press manager says that the participants were given gloves for safety reasons, in connection with handling corrosive materials.

– The participants then chose to use them themselves when they had to fertilise, which was another part of the weekly assignment.

PART OF THE WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Part of the participants’ weekly assignment was to fertilize the soil on the farm. Here they used gloves. Photo: TV 2

In 2022, Farmen, which is produced by Strix for TV 2, won the Golden Route for “Green Production of the Year”. This is something the production company and TV 2 are also working towards in 2023.

– The production company Strix and TV 2 have big and ambitious goals for green production of “Farmen kjendis”, says Dahl.

The press manager mentions that, among other things, the production accounts for all CO2 emissions, electric cars are primarily driven, all waste is sorted at source, and the scenography is built in modules that can be moved from season to season.

The production uses as little plastic and disposable products as possible, but in a few cases it is unfortunately unavoidable, concludes Dahl.

You can see Farmen kendis on Tuesdays at 21:40, Wednesdays and Sundays at 20 on TV 2 Direkte, and when you want on TV 2 Play.

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