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Fast updates caused problems for iPhone users

Apple’s new update method “Rapid Security Response (RSR)” or “Quick Security Measure” should enable important security improvements for iOS, iPadOS and macOS between major software updates. They are provided only for the latest versions of the Apple operating system, starting with iOS 16.4.1, iPadOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1. The quick updates were rolled out for the first time on Tuesday night. However, not everything went according to plan.

iOS users in particular complained about problems. Failed verifications were reported on Twitter. The error message “iOS Security Response 16.4.1 (a) failed verification because you are no longer connected to the internet” often appeared.

The problems should now be resolved. According to the plan, the updates should take place within 48 hours will be played out step by step and will reach up to a billion iPhones, iPads and Mac computers in the future. Compared to traditional updates, the RSRs are significantly smaller. The current update for iOS is only 85 MB big, those for macOS up to 310 MB. RSRs also differ from normal updates by adding a letter after the version number, such as iOS 16.4.1 (a).

Unlike regular updates, when the RSRs premiered, Apple also didn’t provide any information about what issues the update will fix. If users turn off fast updates, they will be included with the next regular software update.

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