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Fast wide-angle zoom for Fuji’s Lumix cameras

In the run-up to the CP+ trade fair in Japan, Tamron has announced the development of the 11-20mm f/2.8 Di III-A RXD lens for Fujifilm APS-C cameras with the X-mount bayonet. The optics have been available for Sony’s E-Mount since mid-2019 with the same key data. As a result, the new device also carries the same Tamron model number B060, just like the Sony variant.

Tamron confirmed, that the lens is protected against splash water as usual and the focal length is 16-30 millimeters converted to 35mm. This is a typical always on top when wide-angle shots are in the foreground.

Due to the large initial aperture of f/2.8, the lens is also well suited for available light photography at events or on the street. As with the Sony version, the autofocus is controlled by the quiet RXD motor, the close-up limit is 15 centimeters. This should also make wide-angle macro shots possible.

The lens should appear in spring 2023, but Tamron has not yet given any information on the price. The Sony variant costs around 800 euros, Fuji’s 10-24mm f/4.0 is around 900 euros. It can be expected that Tamron, as usual, will noticeably undercut the weaker original lens. By how much could be clarified at CP+, which begins on February 23, 2023 in Yokohama.


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