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Faster than Flash: Serenos receive a complaint and in minutes they capture racketeers who were whipping Chorrillos.

As soon as the sun broke through the sky, seasoned members of a racket gang also did the same, but in the streets of chorrillos. With a toy gun, which looked real, and in a modern car, they robbed two passers-by and took their cell phones and money. They hid in a garage, however they were located and captured by district serene.

ETHEL WELL: Criminals opened his safe and took objects worth 58 thousand soles and 26 thousand dollars, in addition to two thousand euros

Before six in the morning, the thugs, in the silver Kia Cerato, license plate F5C-262, with tinted windows, went out to look for victims in the human settlement ‘Alegre View of Villa’ and they found them on Avenida San Martín.

A 39-year-old man was robbed of his phone and 200 soles, while another, 32, had his mobile equipment stolen. Then they ran away.

THE OLIVE TREES: Venezuelan racketeers assaulted women and showed photos of pistols and rifles on Facebook

The aggrieved, who were heading to their respective jobs, did not sit idly by and requested help from a Serenazgo brigade. They got a positive response.

The rake was block by block until one of those affected located the car of the criminals in a property on Vilcanota Avenue.


Upon receiving this information and with the same speed as Flash, motorized Chorrillos Citizen Security agents went to the place and surrounded him. Police officers from the ‘Mateo Pumacahua’ police station also attended and together they carried out the successful operation.

Daniel Colmenares (18) and César Correa (27) fell on said terrain, where the replica weapon was located. In the car there was a knife.

Several blocks away, a third offender, Jair Castillo, was also captured hiding under a car.

According to the night watchmen, before the robberies, the subjects passed in front of them, when they were in formation, and intimidated them by showing them the seized weapon. Now they will be investigated for other robberies.


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