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Fasting for several days “to know Jesus” leaves 4 dead and 11 people hospitalized

We are not here to criticize anyone’s belief, but the truth is that it is difficult for us to understand how someone can trust such a deception without any guarantee other than the word of another person. A pastor convinced several faithful to do an extensive fast to meet Jesus Christ and yes, it went very wrong.

The consequences of this? terrible. Some died and others ended up in the hospital. The aforementioned pastor, despite what has already been said, was not arrested at the time they found the people doing the deadly fast.

Fasting to meet Jesus leaves 4 dead in Kenya / Illustrative photo: Pixabay

What is known about deathly fasting in a sect to meet Jesus

It happened in the east Kenya. The official Charles Kamau He told local media that he arrived in the area where the sect resided, located in the village of Shakahola in the Malindi sub-county, thanks to an anonymous call. There They found 15 people in serious condition from prolonged fasting.

They had spent several days without eating or drinking anything at all. and they were immediately taken to the hospital, but four of them died on the way. The rest remain hospitalized and three are reported in critical condition.

Fasting to meet Jesus leaves 4 dead in Kenya / Illustrative photo: Getty

The reason for his fast, as we said, it was for him a shepherd’s deception identified as Paul Mackenzie Nthengewho belongs to the call International Church of the Good Newsas collected Time.

His promise to the faithful is that they will know Jesus Christ as a “reward” for dying doing a prolonged fast before suffering an apocalyptic future. She convinces them that his mission in the world is over.

Ignorant citizens starved to death under the pretext of meeting Jesus after being brainwashed by a subject

The aforementioned official declared to the local agency KBC

Fasting to meet Jesus leaves 4 dead in Kenya / Illustrative photo: Getty

There could be more victims since it is not something new

The most terrible thing about all this is that it is not an isolated case because it is not the first time it has happened. Paul Mackenzie Nthenge he had already been arrested a month earlier for the death of two children under similar conditions, but he was released on bail.

In fact, the officer in charge of the investigation believes that there may be more people dead after fasting since they found a mass grave and they believe it is used to bury other people who die fasting.

Fasting to meet Jesus leaves 4 dead in Kenya / Illustrative photo: Getty

The local Kenyan police will launch a complaint against the people who survived the fasting “to meet Jesus”. They will be accused of suicide attempt.

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