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Favorite village of the French: discovering Belvès, nominated for the competition


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

N. Evangelista, B. Lasseguette, A. Cassar – France 3

France Televisions

Old stones and picturesque alleys… Belvès, the medieval city of the Périgord Noir, has every intention of making the most of all its assets and winning the title of favorite village of the French.

Belvès (Dordogne), its church and its four steeples is nominated for the contest of the favorite village of the French. Already elected the most beautiful village in France, the hunt for the title signals a recourse to one-upmanship. The old stones of the city center suddenly take on a new attraction. The medieval city is certainly more beautiful than the others in France. It can boast of having under its soil a centuries-old troglodyte city.

All arguments are good

The locals want to believe in victory. To win, all arguments are good. “We have around forty businesses that are open and we will still have new businesses that will open by the season”says a resident, proud. “All the villages are pretty here, but this one has more character”adds a tourist who crosses the town by bike.

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