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FC Bayern: Club legend finds clear mistakes by Kahn and Salihamidzic

Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidžić are repeatedly criticized.Bild: / imago images / eibner


The current season will soon be over and BVB is league leaders FC Bayern hot on their heels, just a single point behind the record champions. Whether Dortmund will manage to take the championship away from Munich for the first time since 2012 is an open question. However, it is clear that FC Bayern will question itself after the end of the season.

Thomas Helmer, former soccer professional and ex-Bayern captain, is now talking about the situation at Bayern in the current season. He clearly names the mistakes made by Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidžić – but also finds conciliatory words.

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Despite criticism: Helmer would let Duo continue

Thomas Helmer sees one main reason why the situation at Bayern is the way it is at the moment: Two “world-class players” broke awayhe explains in an interview with the Munich newspaper “Evening News“. Manuel Neuer is still out after his injury at the end of last year. Robert Lewandowski, who was a reliable goalscorer at FC Bayern, switched to FC Barcelona last summer for around 45 million euros.

“Of course, those responsible couldn’t do anything about Neuer’s injury. But it was a mistake not to get a successor for Lewandowski.”, Helmer clarifies. “There should have been a top-class player,” he says. “Bayern missed that. Clearly.” A criticism that is not new.

Thomas Helmer thinks Kahn and Salihamidzic deserve the chance to continue.Image: dpa / Andreas Gebert

However, Helmer sees no reason to say goodbye to Kahn and Salihamidžić. If he were on the supervisory board, he would let the two of them continue: “Perhaps it is sometimes good to be brought back to earth, because everything is not running as smoothly as in previous years. Then you just have to invest more again .(…)”

Helmer: Müller does not seem unchallenged under Tuchel

But the former Bayern professional not only commented on the sports director, but also on another much-discussed personality: Thomas Müller. Since Thomas Tuchel took over the coaching position, Müller has regularly found himself on the bench. This was followed by rumors of a possible farewell.

Helmer also sees the situation around Müller critically. “It doesn’t currently look like Thomas Müller is undisputed under Thomas Tuchel.” There will always be problems if Müller doesn’t play. “Obviously he can’t be happy with this situation.”

Müller himself recently reacted with amusement to farewell speculation. “If you could read the newspaper King D’avie…” the 33-year-old wrote on Instagram on Wednesday, accompanying a picture of him laughing and crouching next to King D’avie, one of his and his wife Lisa’s horses. Müller ended the sentence with the emoji of a monkey covering his eyes. To do this, he used the hashtags #now it is slowly getting wild, #full focus on the shell and #only the fcb.

(With material from dpa)

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