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FC Bayern: Manuel Neuer is attacked hard – also by Oliver Kahn

Manuel Neuer dealt hard against his own club – and now has to live with the consequences. Image: dpa / Soeren Stache

The recently published interviews by Manuel Neuer hit like a bomb. Apparently they met Bayern completely unprepared. The 36-year-old shot sharply against the Munich club. The main point of criticism is the expulsion of goalkeeping coach Toni Tapalovic. The result of the new statements: severe criticism from the club.

Manuel Neuer is currently on a forced break due to injury. Image: dpa / Tom Weller

Tapalovic-Aus is completely incomprehensible for Neuer

But why does Aus Tapalovics result in such a public beef? “It was a blow for me – when I was already on the ground. I had the feeling that my heart was being ripped out,” said Neuer in an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. Apparently Neuer was personally hit hard by the breakup, as he told both the “SZ“, as well as in “The Atletic”.

Manuel Neuer couldn’t understand the end of the coach, who is also a close confidante for him. The goalkeeper also made it clear in an interview with the newspapers that he would have preferred a different decision:

“Things have been said that I don’t agree with. Nothing I’ve heard has ruled out the possibility of talking and working things out.”

The talks are not without consequences for the 36-year-old: There has been heavy criticism of the currently injured Bayern goalkeeper. He faces not only draconian penalties. CEO Oliver Kahn is also reacting now – and slaps Neuer off.

Shock after the interview: Kahn railed against Neuer

Not only the fans are shocked by the interview, those responsible on Säbener Straße are apparently anything but enthusiastic. According to “Bild” they were “caught cold”. Mainly because of the timing of the releases. Because there are currently important games for the record champions.

According to the newspaper, the interview should also not have been authorized. The 36-year-old could face a draconian fine.

Kahn is not enthusiastic about Neuer’s interview.Image: dpa / Sven Hoppe

Now CEO Oliver Kahn is railing against the goalkeeper, who is currently on a forced break due to an injury. At the request of the German Press Agency, he sharply criticized Neuer’s public statements:

“What Manuel said in parts of these two interviews in connection with Toni Tapalovic’s release does neither do justice to him as captain nor to the values ​​of FC Bayern. In addition, his statements come at an inopportune time because we have very important games ahead of us.”

Kahn reveals painful memory: “The opposite”

Despite the criticism – apparently he can at least understand Neuer’s disappointment. When asked about the motives for the interviews, he expressed empathy in this regard. After all, Neuer was personally affected by the Tapalovic decision. “You have to understand that a bit,” says the CEO.

The club was also aware of this, which is why it was discussed with Neuer. However, the Bayern decision-makers were of the opinion that saying goodbye to the goalkeeping coach was the best thing for the club, explains Kahn.

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Then Kahn draws comparisons to his own career and a similar situation that he experienced as a national player at the time: Back then, in 2004, the goalkeeping coach Sepp Maier felt badly treated by the DFB, which is why they split up. “I had worked with Sepp for years and we had a friendly and trusting relationship,” recalls Kahn.

The farewell to goalkeeping coach Sepp Maier also hurt Oliver Kahn a lot. Image: Bongarts / Getty Images / Sandra Behne

At the time he was angry with the DFB and disappointed. “But the common goals were my top priority. They were more important to me than my personal feelings,” says the CEO. That’s why he made a different decision at the time than Neuer does today – and was silent to the public. “Manuel has now done the opposite,” he says.

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