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FC Bayern: Top stars are said to be annoyed by new representative Yann Sommer

Yann Sommer is currently not delivering the performance that those responsible at Bayern had hoped for from him.Image: dpa / Sven Hoppe


Discussions about the goalkeeper at FC Bayern continue, especially since Manuel Neuer’s injury became known. Winter newcomer Yann Sommer in particular is currently viewed critically. Both externally and internally, there are voices that doubt his performance.

Now some top stars and teammates are said to be annoyed by the summer. The pressure is increasing – and even a possible farewell to the Swiss in the summer could be the consequence.

Yann Sommer’s achievements are critically questioned at FC Bayern. Image: dpa / Thomas Frey

Some Bayern stars would welcome summer departure

Now “Bild” football boss Christian Falk reports in his podcast “Bayern-Insider” about fellow players who are annoyed by the mistakes made by the Swiss: “You know, something can always happen back there,” he says. Falk also addresses other points that are apparently not well received by the team: Summer shows “uncertainties”.

Apparently, Sommer’s teammates are annoyed.Image: dpa / Peter Kneffel

The internal doubts could lead to FC Bayern saying goodbye to Sommer in the summer.

That would even meet with the approval of some of the Bayern stars, as Falk believes: “There are players who would appreciate it if someone else stood behind them.” The reason: Sommer is “not the perfect substitute” for Neuer. “You can tell that Manuel Neuer is a completely different goalkeeper,” said Falk.

The management level should also have been clear about this for a long time: If Manuel Neuer returns in the summer, “no obstacles will be put in Yann Sommer’s way,” Falk indicated a possible departure of the Swiss. According to Falk, a summer change is becoming more and more likely.

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Nübel could also be about to jump

Sommer is not the only keeper who could leave FC Bayern in the coming change period. According to “Bild”, there is also a high probability that Alexander Nübel, who is currently on loan to AS Monaco, will flee. A transfer of the former Schalke could be processed including a buyback clause. In this case, Munich would have the option to bring Nübel back as soon as Neuer ended his career.

Nübel could also flee. Image: dpa / Federico Gambarini

It remains to be seen whether Munich will actually do without Sommer and Nübel. However, it is clear that the focus of the club is still on Manuel Neuer as number one in goal.

Meanwhile, Manuel Neuer is well on the way to returning

Everything is going according to plan for Neuer. The international goalkeeper, who tore a muscle bundle in early April, is making further progress in his rehabilitation. According to “Bild”, the 37-year-old invests six to seven hours in his recovery process every day. It has been speculated in the past that Neuer might even start training again at the start of the pre-season.

Manuel Neuer is doing everything to return as soon as possible.Image: FC Bayern Munich / –

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