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FDP: JuLi boss Franziska Brandmann shoots again against the Silbereisen show

JuLi Federal President Franziska Brandmann demands: “Daily news yes, dream ship no”.Image: fdp / caroline ommer


Discussions about broadcasting fees are almost as old as the fee itself, which was once called GEZ. Heated debates about it keep breaking out. In short: the amount is too high for many. Or should it be abolished altogether.

Since the beginning of 2014, all households in Germany have been legally obliged to pay the monthly fees. Recently, however, something else has come to the fore in the debates: the content of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio.

The youth organization of the FDP, the Young Liberals, are calling for an end to the big entertainment shows in public television programs.

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The JuLis made their point of view before the start of the federal party conference FDP on Friday on the grounds of the STATION in Berlin. In an interview with watson, Brandmann explained why pop singer Florian Silbereisen’s programs should be tackled.

JuLis call for ÖRR reform at the federal party conference of the FDP

A huge part of the broadcasting fees flows into productions “that contribute zero to opinion-forming and political information,” said the chairwoman of JuLis, Franziska Brandmann, of the “Rheinische Post” on Monday. “There must be an end to entertainment formats that cost several million every year and are co-financed by students and trainees”she demanded.

At the federal party conference of the FDP, the JuLis underlined this demand with a poster: “Tagesschau yes, Traumschiff no”.

The Young Liberals around Franziska Brandmann are calling for a reform of the GEZ.Image: watson / laura czypull

“Anyone who wants to see Florian Silbereisen can pay for it, just like others can for their Netflix subscription,” said Brandmann of the “Rheinische Post”. Then the broadcasting fees could “finally drop”. The young liberals also wanted to submit a concrete application at the FDP party conference for a corresponding reform of public broadcasting.

Brandmann shoots against the Silbereisen show

But why of all things Florian Silbereisen’s dream ship? Franziska Brandmann takes a stand in an interview with watson:

“I have nothing against Florian Silbereisen. In fact, I’ve never seen anything from him. And I think a lot of people feel the same way. Nevertheless, they have to pay the broadcasting fee, which is used, for example, to broadcast Schlager formats with Florian Silbereisen broadcast. If there is a high demand for Florian Silbereisen from some sections of the population, this demand can also be met by private broadcasters.”

This does not have to be done via public service broadcasting. He should inform. “Then we can also reduce the broadcasting fee properly.”

(With material from afp)

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