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Fear revenge family of murdered player

Alejandro León / Reform Agency

Wednesday, January 04, 2023 | 18:18

The alleged perpetrator of the murder of Zeferino Domínguez, who was a football player for the Bucaneros de Satélite, in Naucalpan, is now wanted by authorities to be apprehended again, after failing to abide by the house arrest that was granted to him in July 2022 .

In December 2017, Erick, one of those involved, had been apprehended along with two other subjects for the kidnapping and murder of 19-year-old Zeferino.

Since then, all three have been jailed while awaiting sentencing.

Subsequently, the lawyers for the accused alleged a jurisprudence published on May 13 by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to change the precautionary measures.

The document was based on the case of a detainee for deprivation of liberty with the intention of robbery, who had not received a sentence for two years, which is why judges accepted the change in precautionary measures.

With this, a judge decided to modify them for the three involved in the murder of Zeferino, which became valid since July.

Escape from house arrest

However, on November 21, federal authorities monitored the location of the bracelet that had been placed on Erick and realized that it was not at the address where he had been arrested.

Ministerial police officers came to the place, located in Melchor Ocampo, in Edomex, who met with the defendant’s mother, who narrated that her son wrote to her that elements of the National Guard had gone for him.

They continued to track the bracelet, which indicated that it was a few blocks from the home, but they were unable to locate it, so they continue the search.

The victim’s father, Zeferino Domínguez Estrada, questioned whether the judge granted house arrest to the three defendants.

He also recalled that he had filed an appeal for the judge to establish a hearing to sentence the incarcerated.

“The victims, where are we? of revenge against me.

“With the escape of this guy, who is the material author of the kidnapping and murder of my son, it does not seem fair to me that this person does not comply with what he must legally comply,” Domínguez Estrada stressed.

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