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February is very salty for the pockets, with increases for everyone

February brings several increases, such as fuel / EL DIA

February is here and with it many increases that will hit consumers’ pockets and put more pressure on the inflation rate, which according to specialists estimate, would be above 6% this month.

The greatest impact will be given by the updating of public rates for those who are entitled to the removal of subsidies, but there will also be increases in fuel, prepaid, domestic service, telephony and rentals, among others.

January started with several increases in regulated goods and services such as transportation rates in the AMBA, fuel, the increase in prepaid medicine, internet, and also in rates derived from the removal of subsidies for the sectors with the highest income in electricity and gas. The second month of the year will also arrive with increases in various services.

For example, domestic workers will receive a new increase in February after the National Commission for Work in Private Houses established an increase divided into 4 segments.

Private home workers received a 7% increase in January, which is added to the 8% update that occurred in December 2022. In this way, the 5% increase in February will be the third tranche of the 24% agreed .

The prices of gasoline and diesel will have an increase of 4% during February -it has not yet been confirmed if they will be applied from the second half of the month- and another rise of 3.8% in March, after the commitment closed at the end November when they entered the Fair Prices program.

On the side of gas and electricity bills received by users, in January two public hearings were held to define the increase in rates for transportation and distribution services, two of the costs that impact the final value of these services. . These increases will be applied as of February but have not yet been officially announced.

On the side of prepaid medicine, as of next February a new formula for the increase in fees will begin to be applied, linked to the salary variation index (Ripte). For a term of 18 months, the increase in the value of the quotas will have a maximum limit of 90% of the Ripte index of the previous month. This will apply to those who have a net income of less than six minimum, vital and mobile wages ($406,458 in February). Last year prepaid increased just over 100%, according to Infobae.

For tenants whose contracts have to carry out the annual update in February 2023 (contracts signed in February 2022 or 2021), the increases will be close to 86%, according to the update rate established by the current Rental Law. In this way, a contract of $50,000 per month will increase by 85.8% and will cost 92,938 pesos.

The National Communications Entity authorized increases of up to 9.8% in February and 7.8% in April for telephone, internet and cable television services. These percentage increases apply, in general, to SMEs, cooperatives and smaller companies, since the large firms in the sector resorted to injunctions and precautionary measures that allowed them to increase their invoices above the percentages determined by the regulatory entity.

In addition to the increases in the water service and the fees for private schools, a public hearing will be held in CABA to approve updates to the subway rates.

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