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Fed up with so much suffering

How much did Alex Saab count?

Who can be indifferent to figures like these? 72.4% of Venezuelans do not have enough money to purchase the basic basket; 69.9% suffered from multidimensional poverty in 2023; 86% had to obtain water from alternative sources; 72.4% could not be treated in health centers; 40.7% of children and adolescents did not attend classes regularly. These are figures of a humanitarian tragedy revealed in the HumVenezuela report, a platform that works for the rights to assistance and protection of all people with humanitarian needs in our country.

These are percentages that make us cry, especially for those of us who lived and were able to enjoy another Venezuela, in democracy.

Venezuelans can’t stand so much suffering anymore.

Given this, it is impossible to avoid indignation at the face of Nicolás Maduro. The cynicism, the shamelessness, the excessive ambition of those who cling to power and despise Venezuelans.

The matter results in stomach turning when listening to his story in which he blames the opposition for the Venezuelan tragedy. Even their people are clear that as long as Maduro occupies the Miraflores Palace, the assault on what is left of our country will continue and the misfortune will continue.

When we move towards the record of two years without Venezuelan retirees, pensioners and workers having had their income adjusted, thus prolonging their painful misery, Maduro refuses to hand over power, hindering our right to free elections. We will have to press on this.

The destruction is extensive and prolonged. It is without a doubt a massacre. Statistics abound, such as those provided by economist José Guerra: in 1998 the minimum wage was 338 dollars with oil at 9 dollars. And today with the price of oil close to 70 dollars, the minimum wage barely reaches 3 dollars.

With an assault on the public treasury of more than 20 billion dollars fleeced by the former Minister of Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, right-hand man of Nicolás Maduro, what can you expect? I remind you that Tareck El Aissami has not been brought to justice because it is more important to apprehend human rights defenders or an unsuspecting tweeter who dared to comment on the corruption of the regime.

There will be days when we Venezuelans will be able to regain our right to decide. There is hope because something is happening to Venezuelans. Fatigue and despair have dispelled the fear of tyranny. The effort to impose the lie of supposed happiness taking advantage of the holidays has only served to organize for the necessary protest. Announcing the return to school seems like a mockery. It is when three and a half million children and young people are out of the school system, among other reasons because their parents do not even have money to feed them.

The implacable speech of the teachers accusing Maduro of having pulverized the salaries of workers, having stripped them of bonuses and bonuses, for bringing labor rights to the involution by destroying collective agreements, for eliminating the glass of school milk and having collaborated in The destruction of the infrastructure by cutting off all sources that supported the maintenance of the schools are part of the reasons for a just forceful and massive claim.

Outrage spreads in all sectors throughout our territory.

The execution of a dictator’s typical plan guarantees the ignorance of a people. That is why he has managed to ensure that in 80 percent of Venezuelan schools, students attend classes only two or three days a week. This regime is the author of a plan called the “mosaic schedule,” an invention to reduce school activity. During that time, a child only has between 8 and 12 days of classes a month in public schools. That is why there are fourth and fifth grade children who do not even know how to write their name, they do not know vowels or consonants, according to María Francia Cardoza, a teacher with 14 years of experience.

The numbers get worse in higher education. Figures from Fundaredes from October 2023 confirm the bleak outlook: in the last 11 years the regime has reduced the budget of 72 free higher education institutions by 97.9%.

It is the collapse of the educational system and the people know it.

It really is the destruction of the country.

The streets will become smaller due to the protests that will come.

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