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Federal Government: German asylum policy: Fatal promises for Afghanistan

More than a year after the Taliban took power, the traffic light coalition lacks a clear course for helping people in Afghanistan.

The federal government made a mistake. She made a promise she couldn’t keep. Maybe never wanted. after the armed forces had fled Afghanistan because the mission was becoming too hopeless, politicians sent big words to the Hindu Kush: They didn’t want to abandon people in Afghanistan, they wanted to take responsibility for those who were being persecuted and those in need.

Foreign Minister Baerbock made a lot of promises, as did Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. They set up a federal admissions program. But more than a year after the Taliban took power, one thing is clear: Germany cannot keep his promises, only helps selected people, often according to arbitrary criteria. According to the motto: Which Afghan has the best lobby gets through to Berlin. And: The embassies in Afghanistan’s neighboring countries are still understaffed, and the waiting time for a visa is sometimes more than a year.

Promises raise hopes that are now being dashed thousands of times

This failure is all the more bitter because it is precisely baerbock and other Greens who had criticized the previous government on the matter of Afghanistan – only to realize for themselves that they could not get the chaos in the country under control. And overburdening their own authorities.

Also read:How a family from Afghanistan fights for their lost son

It is clear that Germany cannot take in all the Afghans in need. And the government saved more than 20,000 people. But thousands are still waiting Afghanistan and Pakistan. Including families with children, including those at risk. Breaking promises happens. Unfortunately not infrequently. In asylum policy it is fatal – because promises raise hopes for all people in need. Hopes that are now being dashed thousands of times.

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