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Federal Piquetero March: social organizations will set up tents in Plaza de Mayo and tomorrow there will be a massive mobilization towards Social Development

Today there will be a camp in Plaza de Mayo and tomorrow the mobilization will move to the Ministry of Social Development

Today and tomorrow will be difficult days to travel in the center of Buenos Aires due to demonstrations at different points and a camp in front of Pink House. Various organizations enrolled in the Federal Picket March will be arriving this Wednesday from different parts of the country to the Buenos aires city Where are you planning to spend the night at? May Plaza for tomorrow together with the movements grouped in the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) protest against the National Government at the gates of the Ministry of Social Development.

The Piquetera Unit began the tour on Monday from La Quiaca. While yesterday the southeast column left at 8 from Caleta Olivia to Comodoro Rivadavia; the southwestern column did so at the same time as Puelo, while during the morning and afternoon acts were carried out in San Juan, Corrientes, Chaco, La Rioja, Mendoza, Rosario and the capital Córdoba.

On Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the city of Bahía Blanca, the southeastern and southwestern columns of Patagonia were unified, while at 7:00 p.m. Cuyo’s column left Mendoza and that of the Argentine Northeast.

Today at noon they will be arriving in the Federal Capital. have planned march from the National Congress to Plaza de Mayo where at 4:00 p.m. they will perform an act and then start the camp and watch.

The piquetero groups protest against the adjustment measures of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the reduction in the plans and the lack of food in soup kitchens and popular picnic areas.

On Monday, from La Quiaca, one of the piquetero columns left, headed by the representative of the Polo Obrero, Edward Belliboniwho urged “join our forces because nobody is going to give us anything.”

Eduardo Belliboni at the start of the Federal March

“This event, added to everything that is happening in the country, is a great blow against those who want to make our demands against us and the workers, unemployed, precarious from one end to the other, we are organized and we are not going to accept,” said the leader. in the act held in Jujuy.

Belliboni justified that the Federal March is to “defend workers and retirees against inflation that eats up income and is not enough for anything.” “What is happening in Argentina is a disaster, you have to get up and fight,” added the piquetero leader.

As reported, organizations from 22 provinces joined with protesters from more than 100 cities.

in dialogue with infobaeBelliboni denounced that the Government, through the Ministry of Social Development, “plans an adjustment of 400,000 social plans due to an explicit request from the International Monetary Fund.”

Victoria Tolosa Paz, Minister of Social Development

If they continue to pour gasoline on the dry grass of the social crisis, it will catch fire, it is inevitable. Any spark causes a fire, because the situation is very serious”, warned the member of the PO.

Today the last three columns will be added from Circunvalación and Ruta 9, in the Santa Fe city of Rosario. In the act and camp this afternoon/night in Plaza de Mayo there will be criticism of the management of Alberto Fernandez and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa; and tomorrow Thursday they will mobilize together with the UTEP in front of the social portfolio in charge of Victoria Toulouse Peace.

“We propose that the government either relies on the popular organization, or relies on the policy that the IMF is trying to implement, which implies a greater adjustment and a more complex situation than the one we have now,” he said. Esteban “Gringo” Castrothe general secretary of the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy, the union organization that brings together the majority of the movements that make up the Frente de Todos such as Evita, Somos Barrios de Pie, the Movimiento Trabajadores Excludidos and the Frente Popular Darío Santillán, among others, who will join the piquetero columns of the Federal March tomorrow that will arrive in the City in the next few hours.

With information from Telam Agency.

Keep reading:

The Federal Piquetero March began: Thursday will coincide with the protest of the social movements in the center of Buenos Aires
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