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Feinmann wanted to insult Mengolini by telling him "mongolini" and made a show of all his ignorance

It is strange to call a person who cannot distinguish between an insult and an act of discrimination a “journalist”.

But Feinmann and his partner, the son of a serious journalist, seemed amused by the deformation of Mengolini’s last name to “Mongolini.” He clearly did not mean that Julia is living with Down syndrome but rather he intended to use the term as if it were an insult.

ASDRA, the Down Syndrome Association of the Argentine Republic, explains in a video and on its website why this word can hardly be associated with an insult and what its true effect is.

Why the word mughal used as an insult is discriminatory

A high percentage of the population uses the word “mongolic” as an insult without realizing that in reality the use of this word constitutes a clear act of discrimination. The fundamental cause of this happening is the lack of information on the part of the population that uses this term in a pejorative way.

The word Mughal used as an insult has a strong impact on the dignity of people with Down syndrome, who are stigmatized by a word that in current use hides the perversity of binomial thinking regarding what is normal and what is not.

Both for Eduardo Feinmann, as well as for Jonatan Viale and the rest of the population who, in the 21st century, still do not understand anything about Down syndrome. ASDRA’s page it can be very useful.

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