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Felipe Calderón is asked to account for ex-Secretary

CDMX.- Deputies from Morena demanded that former President Felipe Calderón now be tried for alleged links to organized crime, after the ruling against Genaro García Luna, former Secretary of Public Security, was released.

The coordinator Ignacio Mier stated that, since the testimonies against the former official are valid, the former PAN presidents are now following.

“There is no perfect crime.

The jury found Genaro García Luna guilty. When the testimonies are taken as valid, those that follow Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón”.

Minutes later, in plenary, legislators from Morena celebrated the ruling: “Keep Calderón going, keep Calderón going!” the deputies chanted.

When going up to the rostrum in the discussion of the reforms to the General Law on the Use of Force, the Morena deputy, Manuel Vázquez, asked for a minute of silence for the PAN. “The PAN has died, and it is that a case like this had not been seen,” he said.

The leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, indicated that they will urge the FGR to search for elements against Felipe Calderón and demanded that the INE withdraw the registration of the PAN because, he assured, it was proven that it is a criminal and not a political organization.

“This not only stains the PAN, but Felipe Calderón, Vicente Fox,” said legislator Vázquez Arellano.

In the discussion of another opinion on reforms to the Public Sector Acquisitions, Leasing and Services Law, PT Gerardo Fernández Noroña presumed that he had always denounced García Luna’s ties and, he affirmed, time proved him right.

The PT member stated that Calderón would end up in prison over time: “That is the place that he should be, that he should share with Fox and Enrique Peña Nieto.”

For his part, former PRD member Pablo Almícar Sandoval assured that it was a “good day” for Mexico due to the sentence against García Luna because he was found guilty of all the crimes imputed to him in the United States.

“The PAN members are with their tails between their legs because the bloodbath they gave the country was not free, they cowardly charged the dead until they became disgustingly millionaires,” he sentenced.

He added that they will seek to accuse Calderón of crimes against humanity.

The deputy from Chihuahua Andrea Chávez demanded that the PAN members be absent from the session hall and demanded that Margarita Zavala, Calderón’s wife, appear in plenary session.

Prior to voting on the ruling, the PAN, PRI and PRD members returned to plenary.

The vice coordinator of the PAN, Jorge Triana, asked for the floor to request a minute of silence for the 140,000 people who died due to intentional homicides in the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the 60,000 disappeared.

He said that a person has been tried and that he must bear the consequences of his actions.

“It seems correct to us,” he said, without mentioning the name of García Luna.

He warned that the federal government includes the criminals Alejandro Gertz Manero and Manuel Bartlett, as well as the President’s family “who must be held accountable in due course.”

The current president of the Board of Directors, Noemí Luna, granted the minute of silence that she requested from Triana for the dead of the six-year term, forcing the morenistas to remain silent.

Fernández Noroña demanded that Triana be given the floor and reiterated that he always denounced García Luna, while the PAN member defended him.

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