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Felipe Miguel came out to support D’Alessandro for his “license” and criticism exploded

It is not easy for Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. Shortly after announcing that he seeks to be a candidate for President, the most serious institutional scandal of Democracy explodes in his face: one of his officials -Marcelo D’Alessandro- went to Lago Escondido for the lawfare meeting and, furthermore, messages transcend He contacted Silvio Robles, Horacio Rosatti’s spokesman, on how to act to win a ruling.

Within this framework, and under pressure, the Minister of Security and Justice takes leave from office, but does not resign. And the Chief of Staff confirms that they “support” him so they will not replace him with a new name.

It’s clear, they can’t leave him in office because it’s a scandal, but taking his resignation is partly acknowledging the fact.

This was confirmed by the official himself:

Felipe Miguel’s tweet

As it could not be otherwise, criticism against Miguel and Larreta broke out:

Tweet by Martin Suarez
Tweet by Sergio Chouza
Tweet by Felpudo Cotorrero
Tweet by Marcelo Starcenbaum
Oscar’s tweet
Tweet by Sergio Marino (Nagus)
World Champion Tweet
Tweet by Francisco Cafiero
Tweet by DarkPolitiK
Tweet by Guillermo González Moreno
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