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Felipe VI concludes his visit to Paraguay and returns to Madrid

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Asunción, Aug 15 (EFE).- The King of Spain, Felipe VI, concluded his visit to Paraguay and returned to Madrid on Tuesday on a Spanish Air Force plane that took off from the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport at 3:45 p.m. local time (7:45 p.m. GMT).

The Spanish monarch left the South American country after attending the inauguration of Santiago Peña as president this morning and inaugurating the new headquarters of the Spanish embassy, ​​on his first visit to Paraguay since he acceded to the throne in 2014.

Felipe VI had arrived in Asunción on Monday and that same day he met with the outgoing president, Mario Abdo Benítez.

On this day, the king attended the investiture of Peña, held at the Esplanade of the Bay of the Palacio de López, seat of the Paraguayan Executive.

Later he attended the inauguration of the embassy headquarters in the Peris Palace, a 1920 building that began to be restored in 2018 to house the diplomatic delegation.

There, he greeted a group of guests belonging mostly to the Spanish community who attended the event and stressed to them the fact of inaugurating the new headquarters in a visit that he defined as “very significant” for the moment that Paraguay is experiencing with the change of government.

Finally, the king attended the lunch offered by Peña and the first lady, Leticia Ocampos, at the presidential residence, also known as Mburuvicha Róga or Casa del Líder, in the Guaraní language.EFE


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