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Felipe VI meets with Milei to talk about the situation in Spain and Argentina

Felipe VI meets with Milei to talk about the situation in Spain and Argentina

MIAMI.- He King Philip VI of Spain arrived this Saturday around 1:00 p.m. local time at Buenos Aires to meet with Javier Mileyfor the sake of the president’s investiture as elected president of Argentina that will take place this Sunday.

During the meeting that took place in the San Martín Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentinathe monarch and Milei talked about the situation of both countries and their relations.

Milei explained to several Spanish journalists who are in the South American country to cover his inauguration that they would discuss “the ties that unite us to try to deepen them.”

On the other hand, the chancellor appointed by the new Argentine president, Diana Mondino, He noted upon leaving the meeting that they also talked about how Spain could participate in solving Argentina’s problems.

Mondino confirmed that relations between Argentina and Spain “have always been and will continue to be fraternal.”

“We discussed the problems, the difficulties that Argentina is going to have to face and what the possible solutions would be like,” said the leader of the La Libertad Avanza party.

In the meeting, in addition to Milei and Mondino, Felipe VI for Spain, the Secretary of State for Latin America and the Caribbean and Spanish in the World participated, Juan Fernandez Trigo; the Spanish ambassador in Argentina, Maria Jesus Alonso; the general secretary of the King’s House, Domingo Martínez Palomo; and his diplomatic advisor, Alfonso Sanz.

Subsequently, THE King also had a meeting with the outgoing president Alberto Fernández, at the Casa Rosada, headquarters of the Argentine Government established on its agenda in Buenos Aires, as he traditionally does in this type of events.

Sánchez’s dismissal

The fact that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, has not congratulated the president on his victory generated a lot of expectations about whether Felipe VI would attend his inauguration, after the decision of the Spanish representative not to send any minister from his Government, despite the fact that Spain is a country with which Argentina has maintained close ties.

Situation in which the new Milei avoided speaking to the press, stating that “These are things that happen.”

It is the first time that Felipe VI represents Spain in the presidential replacement in Argentina since he acceded to the throne in June 2014, although he did so as prince in 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011.

The presence of other leaders

Two other international leaders who will be at Milei’s inauguration are former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who also met with the new Argentine president this Saturday before attending the presidential inauguration.

In addition to different leaders from the region who have confirmed their attendance, including the presidents of Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay and the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal.

Milei won against the Peronist candidate, Sergio Massa, in the second round of the Argentine presidential elections, held on November 19.

This Sunday he will deliver his first speech as the new Argentine president before the citizens from the steps of Congress.


Source: With information from EuropaPress and La Nación

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