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Femicide of Natalia Castro: "He ruined our childhood and now he ruined our lives by taking my mom from us"

Saturday January 21, 2023 | 5:47 p.m.

“My father killed my mother, the best woman. Mario Alfredo Maidana is the name of the murderer. He ruined our childhood for my brother and me and now he has ruined our lives by taking my mother from us.” Angie’s words are loaded with anguish, anger and pain, because the victim she refers to is Natalia Ester Castro (41), murdered by her ex-partner in a motel in the city of Posadas, this Thursday.

The expressions were published by the newspaper Perfil, where the young woman revealed hitherto unknown aspects of the ordeal suffered by her mother at the hands of the femicide, Mario Alfredo Maidana (42), who after committing the crime tried to take his own life but failed and for These hours he is admitted to intensive care at the Favaloro de Posadas hospital.

Angie said that her father always “mistreated and hit” her mother and that a year ago they had separated. “He threatened her, he told her that he was going to kill her and after her he was going to kill himself. ‘Don’t play with fire,’ he told her,” he narrated.

In this context, he mentioned that “my mother was a housewife, a good mother, who put up with humiliation: she wouldn’t let her go out or go shopping, she wouldn’t let her work and she would stingy for a cookie. She suffered a lot and everyone knows how good she was, she never she did nothing to anyone. At the age of 40 she separated, tired of so much mistreatment. My dad never wanted her to be happy.”

On that, it was learned that the separation had not been on good terms and that various acts of violence were recorded. For this reason, the Justice had determined a mutual approach restriction in September of last year.

Both were notified of this, which was in force until March of this year. However, it is clear that they did not comply and they continued to see each other regularly. The manager of the motel where the femicide occurred stated that they were regular customers and that they came walking.

Regarding the facts, Perfil describes, the victim’s daughter recalled that “on Wednesday my father calls me and tells me that he took out the pool and that he was going to give money to my mother. He took advantage of that, because he knew he needed money “, and describes that after that his parents went to the motel. “She always mistreated her, humiliated her and made her suffer. She wouldn’t even let her go to see her parents when they got sick,” she lamented.


as reported The territory, the femicide was discovered when there were 30 minutes to go before midnight on Thursday at the establishment located at the intersection of López y Planes and Monseñor de Andrea avenues. Members of the Regional Unit II went to the Deseos motel after a call to 911.

According to the data that this morning newspaper was able to verify, a local employee told the police that a couple, regular customers, had entered the temporary hotel on foot at approximately 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, initially paying for two hours of accommodation. in room number 4.

Then, after the paid hour had passed, the subject called the shelter employee again and paid until 11:00 p.m. In this context, before the paid period ended, the site worker contacted the couple again to find out if they were to leave the room or extend their stay again.

For that he went to the room and at that moment managed to observe blood on the assailant’s hand, without hearing or seeing the woman who had entered with him. Given this alert, he requested police presence.

Upon arriving at the complex, the uniformed men knocked on the door of the room where the couple was, without obtaining any answers. Given this, they observed from a small window several reddish stains scattered on the floor of the room, for which a superior officer and the judicial authorities were informed, from where the entry was ordered.

Once inside the place, they found both people unconscious in the bathroom. At that moment, the officers present realized that the woman was already without vital signs, presenting injuries in her neck area. On the other hand, the attacker was unconscious but alive, for which he was first transferred urgently to the Madariaga Hospital.

According to expertise performed at the scene, the woman’s death was caused by a beer bottle that caused several cuts, which were not deep, so the femicide continued to strangle her.

alarming statistic

The newspaper Perfil publishes that so far this year, at least ten femicides have been recorded. The first was that of María de los Ángeles Dayer (43) in Entre Ríos, on January 6. Her ex-husband had threatened her the day before that he was going to kill her and the next day she came back and shot him twice. Then he shot himself in the mouth and after being hospitalized for a couple of days, he died.

Valeria Luján González (28) was found dead by her father in a cesspool in the Buenos Aires town of Batán. Her partner had said that she had left in the morning and the young woman had not returned. She went with her father-in-law to make the complaint and the next day her horror was discovered.

Valeria’s father found her dead in a well in the house that the girl shared with her partner. Then the defendant’s truck was found at sea, for which it is suspected that she tried to simulate her suicide. But later, Leandro Cechetto was arrested in Miramar.

Elena Arago (24), Rocío Lezcano (30), María Laura Cejas (38), Sofía Bravo (26), Elizabeth Sosa, María Soledad Zalazar (22) and Valeria Oviedo (21) complete the unfortunate list of women murdered in a context of gender violence to which Natalia joined, and for which her two children cry today.

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