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Femicide shocks San Vicente: she was 23 years old and they would have raped her | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Saturday May 6, 2023 | 5:00 a.m.

A 23-year-old woman was found without vital signs, on the side of a dirt road in the town of San Vicente, yesterday morning.

This is Daniela Radke. The victim was found, according to the police doctor on duty, approximately six hours after her death.

Through police sources, this morning paper was able to verify that they were continuing to investigate to confirm whether it is a case of rape and femicide. It is important that the results of the expertise are available to confirm the two aforementioned hypotheses, which were raised as a result of the evidence found:

Daniela had a serious injury to the neck, in addition to having torn underwear.

The spokesmen reported that the discovery occurred around 8 o’clock, on Miranda Street in the Unido neighborhood, located in that town. Precisely 800 meters from the roundabout of Provincial Route 13.

Passers-by who were passing through the place alerted the police via call, indicating that there would be a person missing. Immediately, members of the VIII Regional Unit of San Vicente went to the place to verify what had happened.

Upon arrival, they noticed that the 23-year-old woman was face down on the area of ​​weeds and without vital signs.

The first information provided by the security force indicated that she was barefoot and with clothes on. Likewise, she had all of her underwear under her pants, which were tucked into her groin area.

For this reason, they preserved the scene of the event and with the arrival of the Scientific Police the pertinent tasks were carried out. The police doctor, Elías Pualuk, who examined her body, established that the woman had injuries in the anterolateral part of her neck and that she had died approximately 6 hours before she was found.

In addition, he expressed in that first analysis that there were no other traces of violence.

Daniela Radke, 23 years old.

Given this, the San Vicente Investigation Court Three, chaired by Gerardo Casco, ordered that the woman’s body be transferred to the Posadas Judicial Morgue for the corresponding autopsy to be performed. The analysis will also determine if there was sexual abuse.

Macarena, the victim’s sister, stated in dialogue with El Territorio that the last time she saw her alive was at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday.

He also stated that the mother was the last to communicate with Daniela. “She called my mom at 6:00 p.m., telling her that she was going to a friend’s house, that she had picked him up on a white motorcycle and had a helmet of the same color.”

When asked who that friend was, the interviewee mentioned that she did not know his name and that she only knew that he lived at Kilometer 52.

“Daniela only said that she was going to eat a stew at 9:00 p.m. and then she would come back, but she never showed up,” she lamented.

In addition, he mentioned that they did not know anything more about the friend, since “he disappeared.”

Finally, he stated that the only suspect in the crime “for now is that boy. The police officers told us that they were going to search the cameras at kilometer 48”, closed Daniela’s sister.

The body of the 23-year-old will be handed over to relatives this morning for burial.

Due to the fact, members of the Second Police Station, together with the Investigations Division of Regional Unit VIII, continued with the pertinent investigations to clarify the facts through testimonies and verification of cameras in the area, to find the possible perpetrators of the crime.

Third femicide of the year

On the other hand, if it is confirmed that it was a femicide, this would be the third crime of these characteristics that has occurred this year.

The previous two were the crimes of Natalia Castro (41), murdered by her partner in a temporary hotel, and the investigated death of Yésica Galeano, who would have been the victim of her common-law husband. They happened in January and March, respectively.

In figures


According to the police doctor, the body of the 23-year-old was found approximately six hours after the alleged femicide.

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