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Fernández appeals to the "unit" but the internal one is overheating: is the political table in danger?

In the midst of pressure from his partners in the Frente de Todos, the president Alberto Fernandez leans back on the speech of the “unity” against the common “enemy” to try to strengthen his position in the internal before the first meeting of the political table of the ruling partyon which there are already jerks that threaten to generate the opposite effect to the one sought.

“We can argue and have differences, what we cannot do is divide. I ask my comrades for more unity than ever,” Fernández said this Friday when leading an act in the Berazategui party in Buenos Aires, adding: “We have to be united because there is a common denominator that unites us: that the enemies of the homeland do not take power“.

Before the gaze of the local mayor, Juan José Mussi and his peers Fernando Espinoza (La Matanza), Mariel Fernández (Moreno), Mario Secco (Ensenada) and Alberto Descalzo (Ituzaingó), the phrase sounded like a message for the summit of the Frente de Todos, which was born with a problem of origin: they all arrive with different intentions and, at times, conflicting with each other.

In this context, Fernández begins to play a game that is almost part of his style but that usually annoys the vice president Cristina Kirchner and the Minister of Economy, Sergio MassaYour partners: cool things down and delay decisions.

As part of that game, The president has already made it known among his own that no great definitions will come out of the meeting that will take place next Thursday, according to iProfessional from official sources. It is a handbrake on the expectations about the summit that is combined with the call for “unity” as a way of buying time so as not to emerge weaker from the internal discussion.

Alberto Fernández’s strategy and doubts about the political table

Despite a few days having passed since he acknowledged his fight with the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de PedroCristina Kirchner’s top delegate in the Cabinet, Fernández is now trying to cool an internal one that, on the contrary, overheated again from that crossing and in direct relation to the meeting of the political table that Massa and the Kirchnerism demanded so much of him.

The differences in the Frente de Todos become more marked and put the results of the political table at risk

And it is that the most difficult challenge for that appointment is precisely the president, who knows the intentions of Cristina Kirchner’s envoys to the summit to take advantage of this area to, among other things, obstruct his aspiration to go for re-electionwhile Massa asks him to define as soon as possible whether or not he will be a candidate.

The pressures multiply. In recent days, the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanichwho usually speaks more with Cristina Kirchner than with Fernández, maintained that all the actors should be represented at the political table but asked if “there is room for a such a wide table where decisions end up being diluted”.

That question sounds today in all the offices of the ruling party. Nobody knows how effective the political table can be and several fear what could happen with the Frente de Todos if some kind of agreement ordered by the internal party is not reached in this area.something that seems increasingly difficult at a time when all the actors pursue different goals.

“Any president wants re-elect or influence his successionit is normal”, an official source evaluated before iProfesional about the objective with which Alberto Fernández summoned the political table, to which now, in the middle of an inmate that threatens to get even more disordered, tries to put cold cloths on it.

But in Kirchnerism they seek the opposite and a little more: In addition to deactivating a re-election attempt for Fernández, they want to discuss the economic direction of the Government and that the agreement with the IMF be reviewed, something that could generate a short circuit with Massa. How far will Cristina Kirchner’s support for the minister’s administration go? is another question that floats on the political table.

Management and “political outcry”: definitions of Fernández

Faced with all this noise in the Frente de Todos, during the act in Berazategui, the head of state expressed: “The homeland is built without fights, without disunity. I am increasingly attentive to the murmur of the people and I listen less and less to the shouting of politics“.

The president once again appeals to the “unity” discourse and puts cold cloths on the political table

The phrase did not seem only a reference to the strong dispute between the pro-government alliance and Juntos por el Cambio, but also to the internal one that the president tries to contain to assert his position as President before his partners and avoid being displaced in the definition of lists and strategy general for STEP. He follows the line that he marked days ago, more harshly, by warning: “If we continue shooting at the boat, we are all going to sink.”

The attempt at mea culpa that he tested combined with an assessment of economic growth that, according to what he stated, his management achieved, is also registered there. “We must have made mistakes, because we are all susceptible to making mistakes, but the mistakes we made were never to the detriment of the people and were made in good faith,” said Fernández.

“When we look at what happened to us in the last two years, there we have a lot of data to realize that we were not wrong,” he added along the same lines, while remarking that in that period the economy “grew more than 16%” and that with this Argentina is “the second country in the world that has grown the most” only surpassed by China.

Since he decided to fight internally with Cristina Kirchner and her political space ahead of the elections, Fernández’s intention is to value his management in the midst of two imponderables such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine. . With the electoral definitions in a state of latency, the president maintains this tactic in force.

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