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Fernando Armas: I’m like Covid, but I only spread laughter

The comedian Fernando Armas commented that he renewed his contract with América Televisión and will continue throughout 2023 on ‘The blowout of the chola’, highlighting that they are leaders in their schedule. In addition, he says that he is like Covid, but he only spreads laughter.

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“I just renewed my contract with América and I will continue all year in ‘El reventonazo de la Chola’. I am happy to continue working with Ernesto Pimentel, to be part of a strong program, we have led all year. I already have three years in the cast, I arrived in the pandemic and I stayed like Covid, but I only spread laughter, ”he added.

At another point, Fernando Armas points out that in ‘El reventonazo de la Chola’ they are giving an opportunity to new humorous talents.

“I like that new and talented guys continue to appear in humor, and as far as possible I support them, because I remember that when I started I also received a lot of guidance to be able to grow artistically. It is important to show them the way, because one of the most beautiful and beautiful things is to be able to make people laugh, they need it in the midst of everything we are going through,” he added. Fernando Armas.

In addition, he points out that on January 19 he returns to the stage with the show ‘Crazy in the mood’ along with Patricia Alquinta, Lucy Bacigalupo and Silvia Bardales in Bianca de Barranco.

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A few weeks ago, the actor Fernando Armas assured that ‘The blowout of the chola’ He is not copying the ‘JB’ sequence with the traveling comedians, but rather it is a space to show new talent and he makes his debut as producer and director of the play ‘Locas de humor’.

How are you doing in ‘El reventonazo de la chola’?

Very good, I am happy, I have already been in the program for three years and I was lucky to find a job in the midst of a pandemic. In April 2020 they summoned me as a guest, at the beginning, and at the end of the year I signed an exclusivity contract. And I am very happy, I think that with Manolo (Rojas), Ernesto (Pimentel), the boys, Leslie (Moscoso), Claudia (Serpa), Nabito, Cachucha, we are all a family.

The competition is quite strong after this reunion between Jorge Benavides and Carlos Álvarez, they have even beaten them in the rating.

I celebrated the union of talents. First, I admire and respect Carlos and Jorge, it should always happen (that they do a program together) because in the end the winner is the public and beyond the points more or less, the public always wins.

JB released a promo claiming that the competition is copying them.

Jorge is bringing to his show comedians who shouldn’t be called street comedians but comedians from the town, like ‘El reventonazo’ is also doing that. So this It is generated in a positive way because a field of action is opened to find new values ​​in comedy.who may not come from a school, but have the possibility to show themselves.


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