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Fernando’s parents joined the vigil organized by a neighbor of Dolores while waiting for the verdict

Monday, February 6, 2023 | 8:15 a.m.

Lidia Moisá is 62 years old, has three children and six grandchildren. It’s past 9:00 p.m. this Sunday, February 5, the woman walks through the intersection of Marconi and Pellegrini streets: she arranges cans with burnt oil in rows along the sidewalk and lights them with a match. Within hours of the Oral Criminal Court No. 1 of Dolores communicating the verdict to the eight rugby players accused of killing Fernando Báez Sosa on January 18, 2020 in Villa Gesell, the neighbor organized a vigil in the Club Ferro de the city. Minutes after the light from the fire illuminated the blocks of the neighborhood, they joined, first Graciela Sosa, the victim’s mother, and then Silvino Báez, the father.

“We wanted to leave a light to illuminate Justice. We hope that the decision of the judges will leave peace for Fernando’s parents,” Lidia told Infobae minutes before merging into a hug with Graciela.

In the middle of the silence of the whole block, at the end of the hug, Graciela went up to a tree where there was an image of her son and caressed it. After her there was a general applause from the neighbors who respectfully approached her. Already surrounded by television cameras, Fernando’s mother spoke to the media.

“I feel the strength of the people to keep going. This vigil that they organized for Fernando reaches the depths of my heart. I know I’m not going to get it back. I just want tomorrow to be a day when I can have a little peace in my heart, ”Fernando’s mother said hours before hearing the verdict against the eight rugby players accused of killing her son.

Silvino Báez, Fernando’s father, later joined Graciela’s statements. “Whatever the sentence is tomorrow, we are going to move on, to keep fighting. God wants me to be an example so that this doesn’t happen again. I would like that tomorrow the youth become aware and take courage so that there is no other Fernando, ”he told the media.

Consulted by Infobae, about the feat of the vigil, Lidia Moisá gave some details. “This is a neighborhood for older people. We are a group of 22 neighbors who have come together to help each other through the pandemic and continue to do so afterwards. We need to be supportive. A week ago we had been thinking about doing something to show solidarity with Fernando’s parents and well, the idea of ​​the vigil arose to send them good energy: that they feel that the town of Dolores embraces them as a family”, explained the Dolorense to this medium.

According to Lidia, who was born and raised in Dolores, the city is already used to living with “resonant cases”, as was the case of José Luis Cabezas at the time. But “this one”, says the woman in reference to Fernando Báez Sosa’s, “he touched all of us deep inside, very much to the core. Especially to those of us who are parents and grandparents”.

In tune, Carla Morelo, another resident of the city, said: “The people of Dolores have been terribly mobilized by this case.” In dialogue with Télam, the woman described the town of Dolores as “solidarity”, since several neighbors and merchants made themselves available to the parents of Fernando, Graciela and Silvino.

“The accompaniment towards them is important. The owner of the market on the corner where they are stopping gave the order that they not pay for anything they buy,” said the woman. And she closed: “As Dolorenses we share the immense pain of Graciela and Silvino. It’s a very strong thing.”

For the issuance of the sentence, scheduled for Monday 6 at 1:00 p.m., the Buenos Aires police diagrammed a special operation with more than 150 troops in the vicinity of the judicial palace. In addition, there will be roadblocks in the vicinity of the site with a fence that will restrict vehicular traffic in the area.

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