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Ferrer, Alcantara and El Osorbo highlighted in Human Rights Watch report

Ferrer, Alcantara and El Osorbo highlighted in Human Rights Watch report

HAVANA.- The situation of the Cuban opponents Jose Daniel Ferrer, Luis Manuel Otero y Michael “The Osorbo” Castlewho are currently detained, was included in the annual human rights report of Human Rights Watch (HRW)where the international organization extensively addressed the situation in Cuba during the year 2023.

In the 34th edition of the World Report, which analyzes human rights practices in almost 100 countries, HRW noted that the Havana regime persists in repressing any form of dissent and public criticism. In addition, he highlighted the severe economic crisis that impacts the basic rights of Cubans.

The report highlights that hundreds of critics of the regime and protesters, including those who participated in the July 2021 protests, remain arbitrarily detained, according to the report. Martí News.

Demonstrations continued into 2023 due to blackouts, food and medicine shortages, and deteriorating living conditions. Furthermore, he emphasizes that Cubans continued to leave the country in unprecedented numbers, while the United States maintains its policy of isolation, including the embargo.

In relation to the human rights situation on the island, HRW denounced arbitrary arrests to harass and intimidate critics, independent activists and political opponents. Two years after the July 2021 protests, more than 700 people, including more than 70 women, remain imprisoned. Some were subjected to mistreatment and torture.

The report highlights that the regime violates international law by trying some in military courts and applying disproportionate sentences of up to 25 years in prison. It also criticizes the imputation of crimes such as “sedition” in ordinary trials and the presentation of legitimate conduct, such as expressing opinions on social networks or peacefully protesting, as criminal actions. Prosecutors used uncredible and uncorroborated evidence in these cases, according to the organization.

Source: With information from Martí Noticias

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