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Few people know that a civil judgment can be resolved very quickly with this question to the judge

How to quickly resolve a civil

It is known that in Italy the times of justice are very long. Parliament often tries to adopt solutions to shorten the duration of civil and criminal court proceedings, but these often also last for damages. And then, the best solution is to try to avoid judgment when possible, trying to settle out of court with the other party. In fact, an agreement without a judge often saves a lot of time which can have an importance, both in economic and health terms, much higher than the value of the case. When it is really impossible to avoid judgment, then the law hides tools to try to speed up the times of justice.

Let’s see a little known but very useful one.

In Italy many causes depend on the solution of a single technical question. If you think, for example, of the very trivial case of a fine which is contested by the driver of the vehicle. The judge to determine whether the fine is valid or not will have to verify a technical question. For example, in the case of paid parking arranged by the Municipality, this The institution has the obligation to reserve some of them for free parking. If there is no compulsory free parking space in the area in question By law, any fines for no parking they are null.
The judge to decide the case must, then, check the status of the places and ascertain whether or not free parking actually exists among the paid ones. Or think of a more serious case. A subject loses a relative due to the wrongful conduct of another subject. For example, a traffic accident caused by
failure to comply with certain rules of the Highway Code.

A little-known procedural tool

The judgeAlso here, to resolve the issueand eventually pay compensation for damages to the victim’s family, will have to deal with a technical issue. In other words, he will have to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident and verify if there has been a violation of the rules of the Highway Code. And so, understand whether the disappearance of the subject is a consequence of the behavior of the defendant. In all these cases, and in similar ones, i.e. in which thehe solution of the process depends on the solution of a technical issue there is a tool to speed up the times of justice. Few people know that a civil judgment can be resolved very quickly requesting a preventive technical assessment.

Few people know that a civil judgment can be resolved very quickly. In fact, the preventive technical assessment it is an institute envisaged by the code of civil procedure in article 696. Anyone who urgently needs to have the state of the places or the quality or condition of things checked before the judgement he can ask the judge for a technical assessment or a judicial inspection. This tool has a protective functionin the sense that allows you to make the findings determined for the solution of the judgment immediately. Preventing the passage of time from erasing the traces and clues useful for solving the case.

Few people know that a judgment can be resolved very quickly through this question

The technical assessment it may also include assessments regarding the causes and damages related to the object of the verification. The judge will getso, immediately a report from the technical consultant he appointed on the dynamics of the event considered by the cause. Put simply, will immediately have the tools to decide who is right and who is wrong. This will allow for an extremely rapid solution of the judgmentit’s a big savings in terms of money and time for both parties.

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