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FFF: after the skid on Zidane, the Le Graët clan seeks to save the furniture…

Since Sunday, the president of the French Football Federation Nol Le Grat has aroused general indignation following his crush on Zindine Zidane. Faced with the controversy, the clan of the tricolor leader sought to calm things down.

Nol Le Grat is at the heart of the controversy.

Zidane in Brazil? I don’t care, he can go where he wants! He can go where he wants, in a club… Selection, I hardly believe it as far as he is concerned. (…) If Zidane called me? Certainly not, I wouldn’t even have taken him on the phone.

Freewheeling on Sunday, the president of the French Football Federation Nol Le Grat was the author of an absolutely incomprehensible layup about Zindine Zidane, a true legend of French sport.

The Le Grat clan justifies a clumsiness of expression

Very quickly, the ex-boss of Guingamp was obviously unanimous against him. Particularly criticized on social networks, the tricolor leader was reframed by Kylian Mbapp, Franck Ribry or even the Minister of Sports Amlie Ouda-Castra (see article here). Faced with the extent of the controversy, the Le Grat clan sought to calm things down with the daily L’Equipe on Monday, regretting a clumsiness of expression.

The president has very good relations with Zidane. They changed again recently during the Ballon d’Or. Nol Le Grat knows exactly what he represents in the history of French football. By expressing himself in this way, Nol Le Grat wanted to indicate that Zidane has the possibility to go where he wants. That all the possibilities are offered to him, tempted the entourage of NLG. Despite this justification, the form of Le Grat’s speech does not really pass…

Zidane does not intend to react hot

And Zidane in all that? Unanimously defended, the 1998 world champion has still not had the slightest reaction. And the former Real Madrid coach has no immediate intention of adding fuel to the fire. Indeed, the entourage of the French technician let L’Equipe know that ZZ did not intend to react hot. A rather expected attitude from Zidane, who has always sought to avoid unnecessary polemics. In the meantime, before the start of the audit requested on the functioning of his body on Tuesday, Le Grat did not settle his case.

What do you think of the explanation of the Nol Le Grat clan? Zindine Zidane’s attitude to this controversy? Do not hesitate to react and discuss in the area add a comment

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