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FFF: indecent proposal, hand on the thigh, alcohol … New damning testimonies against Le Graët!

Nol Le Grat finds himself at the heart of the media storm following his comments on Zindine Zidane, but the president of the FFF drags other pans, far more serious, in particular for alleged acts of sexual harassment. The team and Radio France publish this Tuesday several testimonials which overwhelm the man at the head of French football a little more.

The Grat will be heard by the inspectors of the audit mission on Tuesday.

We had to wait for Nol Le Grat to disrespect the greatest monument of French football, Zindine Zidane, to see the president of the French Football Federation find himself at the heart of a real political and media storm.

In October, there was indeed not the same popular excitement when an investigation by So Foot shed light on numerous cases of sexual and moral harassment within 3F, several of which involved the Breton. In question: his more than inappropriate behavior with certain female collaborators, as explained by agent Sonia Souid in L’Equipe on Tuesday. With a strong testimony of what she experienced between 2013 and 2017 against the former boss of Guingamp.

The chilling testimony of Sonia Souid

After her meeting with NLG in 2013, Sonia Souid asked her for Corine Deacon’s phone number in 2014. What followed was just painful memories. He wants us to meet in his Paris apartment. He says he does this regularly, it’s more convenient for him, more confidential. I accept. (…) I was 28 at the time, he was 72. He should have had that respect. He never looked at me like an agent but like a piece of candy. To speak vulgarly, he looked at me like two breasts and an ass. He never made me a concrete offer. leaves when I’m at his house, when he made me understand that he would like me to end up in his bedtold the agent in L’Equipe.

But he never told me I was good. It’s pretty thin, apart from this voice message… Which one? That of July 2017 (“Sonia, I’m my third bottle, I’m waiting for you for the fourth”, editor’s note). So between 2013 and 2017, four years ago. Four years during which the president of your Federation flirts with you every time, asks you to see you, invites you to his home, dangles things from you, when the only thing he wants is for you to share his bed. (…) Did I see him again afterwards? No, I’m not crazy either. from the moment when my president made me understand that to concretize my ideas I had to take a walk in his bed…Sonia Souid painfully recalled in a testimony shared by the Minister of Sports on social networks.

What the former FFF employees said to the investigators

Amlie Ouda-Castra accompanied this retweet with a message: Congratulations Sonia Souid for the courage of your testimony. Our audit will be worthy of it. Because yes, if the revelations of So Foot did not unleash the crowds last October, they at least had the merit of pushing the Minister of Sports to request an audit mission from the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and research (IGESR). The inspectors interviewed several former employees, and many are those who overwhelm Le Grat a little more.

Radio France revealed this Tuesday some testimonies which will appear in the final report. Like that of this former employee, who showed the inspectors messages from NLG inviting her to dinner several times, not to mention numerous calls received after 10 p.m. or even 11 p.m.. Another former FFF employee also spoke of an official trip by plane, during which Le Grat put his hand on his thigh by telling him she wants her to wear a skirt during the trip.

An alcohol problem

This same ex-employee also recounts the warning from the NLG assistant, who allegedly told her not to accept an appointment with him after lunch because he is an alcoholic. Glaant, and confirming a little more the alcohol problems of the Breton after the famous fourth bottle suggests Sonia Souid (see below). Finally, a former leader mentioned of an indecent proposal formulated by the boss of the 3F in his regard, indcent enough to flabbergasted. As a reminder, Le Grat should be confronted with these testimonies by the inspectors on Tuesday, while the conclusions of the report are expected by the end of January. totally lch by President Emmanuel Macron according to information from Daniel Riolo, will he survive the storm?

Sonia Souid reveals a voice message sent by Le Grat, visibly in a state of inebriation

Amlie Ouda-Castra’s tweet

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