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FGR seized helicopter on clandestine runway

FGR seized helicopter on clandestine runway

The Truth News reports that the FGR seized helicopter in an area disputed by criminal groups such as the Northeast Cartel and the Gulf Cartel.

The seizure was carried out in coordination with the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) and the public security secretariats of both San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas on a clandestine track.

According to the reports, following an anonymous complaint, an investigation folder was opened that led to the discovery of the aircraft that was making clandestine trips between the aforementioned demarcations. But it was not until the required elements were obtained that a search warrant was obtained in a property located in the municipality of Tamasopo.

FGR seized helicopter

The seizure of the aircraft was made in an undercover operation.

The seizure of the helicopter occurred after an undercover operation, the insured vehicle was made available to the FGR delegation in Tamaulipas and the authorities will be in charge of carrying out the investigations to find those responsible.

Neither the aircraft nor the place had permits and unofficially it is said that it would be similar to the one that was captured on video and in which Carlos Santiago González would have escaped according to the journalist Ildefonso Ortiz, from the Breitbart site.

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Carlos Santiago Gonzalez escapes

Several reports of bombs were given the day that Carlos Santiago González fled in a helicopter.

As will be recalled, on December 1, members of the Tamaulipas State Attorney General’s Office arrived in Ciudad Mante to comply with the arrest warrant against Carlos Santiago González.

However, an alert was given of a series of bombs in an IMSS hospital, two public buildings and a school, as well as that an unnumbered and unregistered helicopter had passed through Santiago González to the Irrigation Park before the authorities arrived at arrest him.

At the moment, it has not been confirmed if it is the same aircraft, it is the same, since for now it is only known that the FGR seized an illegal helicopter.

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