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FIFA confirmed that the 2023 Club World Cup will be played in Saudi Arabia

The International Football Federation (FIFA) reported on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia has been selected as the venue for the next Club World Cup to be held in December of this year.

Unanimously, the Council of the soccer mother body decided that the Saudis will be the ones to organize the international competition, which will take place from December 12 to 22, in which the six continental champions plus the winner of the league from the host country will participate. .

Also, at this meeting, modifications were confirmed in the structure of the Club World Cup, which will go from 7 to 32 competitors in the year 2025, where UEFA will have 12 places, CONMEBOL six, while CONCACAF, like the Asian confederations and Africa will have four each. In addition, there will be a place for the Oceania confederation and another for the hosts.

Finally, it was determined that the United States, Mexico and Canada will automatically qualify for the 2026 World Cup as co-hosts of the tournament.

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