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FIFA intervenes: Chelsea’s contract madness has consequences

Chelsea FC really hit the transfer market and equipped the numerous newcomers with long-term contracts. Benoit Badiashile (2030), Mykhaylo Mudryk (2031), David Datro Fofana (2029 plus option) and Noni Madueke (2030 plus option) have all dedicated their best footballing years to the Blues.

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As the ‘Times’ reports, FIFA now wants to take action. From the summer onwards, clubs should only be able to offer players contracts with a maximum term of five years. The reason for this is that the clubs can write off a transfer fee over the entire term of the signed employment contract. This means that a high transfer amount with a long contract term only has a minor impact on the clubs’ balance sheets.

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The five-year maximum amortization limit will not apply retrospectively. This means that the transfers carried out up to the summer only affect FIFA’s financial fair play to the same extent as was previously the case. But no club will be able to afford another shopping tour like Chelsea’s this January.

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