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Fighter jet flies over Miami beach on Memorial Day weekend

Fighter jet flies over Miami beach on Memorial Day weekend

Bathers in a Miami beach They were surprised to see a F-35B Lightning II fighter jet flying over the area this weekend Memorial Dayor Memorial Day.

The F-35B is a fifth-generation, single-seat, multi-purpose combat aircraft with stealth capability, and it performed maneuvers that left those present amazed.

This variant, specifically designed for short takeoff and vertical landing, can move in unique ways that impressed witnesses.

The F-35B is used by the United States Marine Corps, the United Kingdom and the Italian Air Force, standing out for its versatility in ground attack, reconnaissance and air defense missions.

Its presence on a beach full of civilians did not go unnoticed, like other American aircraft that paraded through the area. Many of the spectators took the opportunity to record the impressive military aircraft.

Several Instagram profiles in Miami shared short videos that captured the attention of numerous users, who were amazed by the agility and advanced technology of the F-35B.

The fact that a plane of these characteristics was seen in such an everyday environment generated a stir on social networks and local media.

The sighting highlighted the technical capability of the F-35Bas well as its ability to capture the attention and amazement of the public, once again showing the power and sophistication of modern aviation in the United States.

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