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Final Fantasy 7 finally has a dub: the Echo-S 7 mod is available for download

As promised, the Tsunamods team has released Echo-S 7a mod that introduces the complete dub in English for the original version of Final Fantasy 7launched for the first time on the market back in 1997.

Thanks to the contribution of amateur, semi-professional and professional voice actors, now every single line of dialogue in the classic can be considered dubbed. As evidenced by the footage posted by the team (launch trailer included), however, some changes have been made to the dialogues, probably to make them appear more natural in the spoken language, where previously it was only written, or for simple creative issues related to the taste of whoever made the adaptation. In light of this, the more purists among you might turn up their noses at some licenses that the Tsunamods team has taken on, so we advise you to approach their work for what it is: a mammoth job, at times of an excellent level, but nonetheless unofficial.

You can give the Echo-S 7 mod a try by downloading it from official site of the project. It weighs 3.17 GB and is compatible with the 7th Heaven mod made by the modders themselves. Clearly, it works only and exclusively with the PC version of Final Fantasy 7, which can also be purchased on Steam at the list price of 12.99 euros. Find instructions to install it here video made by the Tsunamods guys. Meanwhile, the same team is also working on some Similar mods for Final Fantasy 8 and Final Fantasy 9.

Returning to the field of officialdom, let us remember that Square Enix is ​​developing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second part of the seventh final fantasy makeover project that began in 2020 with the publication of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. In the greeting message at the beginning of the year, Yoshinori Kitase made it known that the development of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is accelerating, therefore the launch window remains included in the winter season between 2023 and 2024.

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