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Finally children’s carnival again – the 17s open their carnival season with their children’s festival

Lucky fairies in action

There was a break in transmission for two years, but this year, on January 22nd, it was allowed to take place again. The big children’s festival in the parish of St. Gebhard. The highlights were clearly the outdoor flying fox and the visit of the royal couple.

But the handicraft and play stations, the make-up station and the food distribution in the parish center with creative muffins, waffles and the traditional sausages could hardly resist the rush.

The 17ers had dressed up in new costumes and, true to their motto “The Sweet 17ers”, they didn’t skimp on sweets either. You could see bright eyes and “fingers crossed” when the prizes were drawn. Here the youngest 17ers – Amrei and Samuel – and Infanta Pia were used as lucky fairies. The final dance with the royal couple and 17s in the children’s disco was the perfect end to a brilliant afternoon in the spirit of children’s carnival. Because “there can never be enough glitter”, as the children’s make-up artists were taught. 

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