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Finansinspektionen’s director general: The amortization requirements can be abolished

According to Barr, the amortization requirements have done marginal good in remedying high household debt.

– People may borrow less and buy less expensive homes than without the requirements, but the overall picture shows that the loan-to-value ratio continued to increase. So we can do something, but we can only do something on the margins, says he to DN.

The Financial Supervisory Authority’s previous management has defended the amortization requirements, despite criticism from economists.

The amortization requirement must be investigated

The government has recently appointed an inquiry into mortgage ceilings and amortization requirements. The committee that will investigate the matter will essentially analyze which macroeconomic risks are associated with household indebtedness. As well as review how, for example, amortization requirements can counteract such risks. Among other things, they must investigate whether it is possible to change the amortization requirements so that they become more “fit for purpose”.

– It is great that there is an independent evaluation of them. We have carried out evaluations ourselves, but it is never really good to evaluate yourself, says the new Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Daniel Barr has no idea what would replace the amortization requirements.

FI will also soon start publishing median fees for various popular fund categories, such as mixed funds, global and Swedish index funds, to protect small savers from having to pay too high a fee.

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What is required to be granted repayment freedom on one’s mortgage? What are the pros and cons? Jennie Sandén, private economist Danske bank, explains. Photo: Storyblocks/Press image Danske bank

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