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Fire and Flame: Fire and Flame: These missions can be seen in episode one

The first episode of the sixth season of the series Feuer und Flamme can be seen in the WDR media library. These inserts from Bochum are shown.

The sixth season of the WDR series Feuer und Flamme has begun: the first episode has been available in the media library since Monday evening, January 2nd. Filming took place over a total of 50 days in Bochum – 24 hours at a time. The first two major missions shown took place in May 2022.

“Something exploded in the apartment across the street. There’s a fire, the woman is calling for help,” says a woman who called the emergency number of the Bochum fire brigade. Only a few moments later, the emergency vehicles of the main fire and rescue station 3 in Werne make their way to the affected apartment building on Krachtstrasse.

It is the first mission seen in episode one of Fire and Flame Season 6. A battery exploded in an apartment, and a neighbor noticed heavy smoke on the ground floor at 6:45 a.m. on Tuesday. When the fire brigade arrives, all residents have already left the building, and the 36 firefighters start extinguishing the fire, which is over after about an hour and a half.

WDR accompanies the Bochum fire brigade to a fatal traffic accident

After a much less trivial operation – the fire brigade is called out because they were called to a smoking wastepaper basket – things get more serious: the camera team accompanies the emergency services to a fatal traffic accident in Bochum-Werne.

Early Sunday morning, a car collided with the trailer of a parked truck. The 20-year-old driver was able to leave the accident car on his own, for the passenger (26) any help came too late. The suspicion of an illegal car race quickly arises. At the end of November 2021, the driver will be given a suspended sentence.

Fire and Flame: On WDR television and in the media library

The first episode of the WDR documentary series Feuer & Flamme can be seen on Monday, January 9th at 8:15 p.m. on WDR television as well as in the ARD media library:

More articles from this category can be found here: Bochum

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