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Fire at the plant of a yerbatera cooperative caused millions in losses | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Wednesday March 29, 2023 | 4:18 p.m.

In the Yerba Cooperative ‘Flor de Jardín’ there were moments of worry and fright. It is that the yerba mate drying belt sector caught fire, for which reason firefighters from the Police and Jardín América Volunteers managed to put out the fire after about 45 minutes, thus preventing the spread to adjacent warehouses.

The territory He managed to chat with Maximiliano Cunale, the company’s general manager, who specified that the fire started on the dryer belt and it is estimated that it was caused by a spark from the sapeco that moved through the grass and spread on the belt. The incident happened around 8:00 p.m. yesterday.

“Thank God, the personnel always committed to their work acted quickly, the internal sprinkler system was activated on the tape, which contained the fire for a few minutes until the police firefighters and Jardín América Volunteers arrived with their respective units,” Cunale said. He, in turn, recounted that between the work of the firefighters and a new impulsion of water by the fire fighting system, the focus was completely reduced.

Regarding the losses, he specified that they were mainly the yerba mate that was found in its entirety, the entire ceiling air extraction system and the external wiring system to the tape. “Approximately 15 tons of green leaves were burned, the extractors and plus the repairs, there is a loss of 2.5 million pesos,” the manager said.

Fortunately there were no injuries, but to recover what was lost, a work team from the extra cooperative was incorporated, last night, to put it in condition, re-feed electrically and carry out the necessary tests. “The result was as expected and before dawn the line was active and running again,” Cunale said.

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