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Fire brigade: Fire brigade in Dortmund: The twelve most exciting missions in 2022

A busy year lies behind the Dortmund fire brigade. There were many striking missions, but fortunately no outstanding major fire.

the Dortmund fire brigade was often required again in 2022. There were many dramatic, dangerous and strange missions, but fortunately there were no outstanding major fires.

Unfortunately, there was again this year fatalities in the case of fires in Dortmund – in June in the southern inner city and in December in Aplerbeck and also in December in the Brückstrasse district.

Here are the most exciting operations of the Dortmund fire brigade in 2022:

December 2021: The roof truss of the house converted into a residential building old lot of the office building burns out completely. The historic building itself is also severely damaged. The listed complex on Remigiusstrasse was completely renovated just a few years ago.

January 2022: Unknown people set fire to Lindenhorster Straße in Nordstadt – the Cult snack bar “Frittenranch” burns out completely. The fire brigade is in action.

February 2022: at Europcar in Dorstfeld, nine rental cars burn out, and others are badly damaged by the heat. A 26-year-old is said to have set the big fire at the car rental.

February 2022: storm depression Zeynep travels across Germany and also keeps the Dortmund fire brigade busy. Within seven hours, there are 230 missions – including the iron cross falling from the St. Gertrudis church tower in Nordstadt. A tree meets a popular cafe in the North Market.

May 2022: No fire, but still a spectacular operation by the Dortmund fire brigade: one loaded with stones and earth dump truck falls over in a narrow residential street in Loh and buries a car under him. The fire brigade has to free the truck driver.

May 2022: In Scharnhorst a Terraced bungalow completely destroyed in a fire. The residents remain unharmed – they only come home while the fire is being extinguished and have to watch helplessly as their belongings burn.

June 2022: Lured by a good smell (origin unknown) crawls Australian Shepherd “Paul” under the kitchen and can’t get out. The fire brigade dismantles the kitchen – and later reassembles it.

June 2022: the slate corner in Mengede, also known as alternative “Café Chaos”, burns out. The large half-timbered house with the striking colorful facade cannot be saved. The dilapidated old building has been empty since 2013 and was to be foreclosed on several occasions.

September 2022: In the western inner city of Dortmund burn out seven cars. A suspect is quickly caught – but he is not the perpetrator, the police later corrected.

September 2022: at one skyscraper in Wambel has a scaffolding solved. The upper half of the ten-story steel tower bends menacingly over the lawn. Rescuers from the fire brigade defuse the situation.

December 2022: In Aplerbeck, a car crashes into the entrance area Kaufland – miraculously no one gets hurt in business. The car comes to a stop in the middle of the post office. The driver was believed to be in a medical emergency.

December 2022: On the golf course Several buildings burn down inside the trotting track in Dortmund-Wambel. A large part of the 150 meter long driving range burns down, as does a large part of the clubhouse and restaurant. The damage is probably in the millions.

More articles from this category can be found here: Dortmund

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