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Fire consumed a house and damaged another adjoining one in Puerto Iguazú

Sunday December 25, 2022 | 2:55 p.m.

This Christmas morning was tragic for two families who were affected by a fire in the Altos del Paraná neighborhood in Puerto Iguazú. One of the buildings was consumed in its entirety, leaving a family with what they were wearing and the second registered material damage in the roof area. 3 Fire Departments worked, no victims were recorded.

According to data provided by the Puerto Iguazú Volunteer Firefighters, they were alerted to the incident at approximately 6:45 a.m. The complaint reported a fire in a house in Barrio Altos del Paraná, 30 houses.

“A house was completely consumed with losses of property and real estate and a second property was also hit by the flames that spread through parts of the roof and ceiling,” they indicated.

Regarding the causes of the accident, the Fire Department indicated that so far they are unknown, and are a matter of investigation, the expertise is in charge of the Misiones Police

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