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Fire Emblem Engage: Shortly before the release, caution is called for again

There are only a few days left until Fire Emblem Engage is released. We are currently moving in dangerous territory again.

Why? Because the first copies of the game are already in circulation and thus spoilers are also making their way onto the Internet.

Be careful when surfing

Impressions from Fire Emblem Engage are already being shared online. So if you don’t want to know anything about it in advance, you should be careful now.

Things shared online, some on social media, include additional characters, maps, cutscenes, and story details, among others.

Additional Fire Emblem Engage news:

It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that a few days beforehand, the first people were already happily playing. This has also been the case with other Nintendo games (as well as other companies) in the past.

But if you want to go into the latest part without any prior knowledge, you better be a little more careful now!

Fire Emblem Engage will be released on January 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch.

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