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First aid at the finish line when Frida Karlsson won the Tour de Ski – strong climbing took Kerttu Niskanen to second in the summary

Frida Karlsson’s superior overall lead seemed to be slipping through her fingers in the final stages of the stage, but the Swede finally fought her way to victory, 33 seconds ahead of second place Kerttu Niskanen.

The last Swede to take an overall victory in the Tour de Ski was Charlotte Kalla 14 years ago, now Frida Karlsson has succeeded in that feat.

Karlsson immediately collapsed at the finish line and received medical attention. The Swedish national ski team’s press manager Astrid Lindbäck confirmed shortly after the relieving news that Karlsson is conscious and doing well.

– I met Frida a quarter of an hour ago. Then she sat drinking blueberry soup and talking to the coach. It was a tough hill and she pulled through, but she is very happy about the victory but tired and exhausted, comments Lindbäck to Yle.

– She will have some lunch, take a shower and then she will probably be back to her energetic self.


The award ceremony was held without Karlsson.

– The energy probably ran out completely. Frida has previously experienced total exhaustion, comments the Finnish national ski team’s head coach Jussi Piirainen.

Kerttu Niskanen’s fighting spirit paid dividends

Kerttu Niskanen fought his way past Norwegian Tiril Udnes Weng with a margin of over half a minute.

The Finn got to celebrate a podium finish in the Tour de Ski for the first time in her career. Only Virpi Sarasvuo, Aino-Kaisa Saarinen and Krista Pärmäkoski have managed that feat. Sarasvuo has won two summaries.

Tour de Ski 2022-2023

1. Frida Karlsson SWE 2.31.16
2. Kerttu Niskanen FIN + 0.33
3. Tiril Udnes Weng NOR + 0.47
4. Rosie Brennan USA + 1.42
5. Katharina Hennig GIVES + 2.13

19. Anne Kyllönen FIN + 6.17

The text is updated.

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