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First data from the 2022 Census: 46 million in the country and more than 1.2 million in Misiones

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | 6:38 p.m.

In Argentina there are 46,082,160 people. That is the number that emerged from the first official data from the 2022 Census that was released this Tuesday. In MissionsAccording to the figures published by INDEC, there are 1,280,960 inhabitants.

After more than eight months of face-to-face operation that took place on Wednesday, May 18 of last year, INDEC released the first figures.

51.76 percent are women, while 48.22 are men. 0.02 percent do not identify with any gender.

Throughout the country there are 17,805,711 homes: 17,780,210 are private and 25,0501 are collective, that is, boarding schools, prisons and nursing homes.

Note in development…

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