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First families are processed with new immigration measures

Juarez City.- While the Texas National Guard closed the gates in the wall located at border markers 40 and 42 to prevent more people from turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) English) received four asylum-seeking families across the Paso del Norte international bridge.

Given the end of the health policy called Title 42 and the extension to all nationalities of the immigration policy of Title 8 (T8), thousands of migrants arrived during the last week to the banks of the Rio Grande, where on Thursday morning the Texas National Guard closed the access with barbed wire and officers so that more people could turn themselves in with federal authority, for which people were returned to Mexico.

That was the case of a Venezuelan family that on Thursday night crossed the international river to reach the gate located at border marker number 42, where they ran into a wall of spikes and soldiers with long weapons, who told them not to. they could pass, that they go to an official port of entry, which they did yesterday morning.

The family, made up of the two parents and three children, reached the hump of the international bridge, where they indicated to the agents that they were seeking asylum and after a while they were given access to be evaluated and the possibility of release them into the United States.

Hours earlier, during the night of Thursday, two families also arrived at the crossing between Ciudad Juárez and El Paso in search of asylum, so after asking them some questions, such as if they were married and if they were registered in the CBP One application, they were received. However, it is unknown if after being interviewed at the CBP offices they were released in El Paso or will be deported.

they keep trying

Yesterday, another family made up of a Mexican mother and two American children arrived with CBP agents to request access to their country. An officer first explained to them that their facilities were saturated and that the processing of each person takes approximately four hours; however, they were later given access to assess their immigration status.

On Thursday, May 11, the last day of Title 42, the Border Patrol processed approximately 1,000 people, while between 200 and 300 more spent the night on the banks of the Rio Grande, at border marker number 42. , where yesterday morning they were received in groups of ten people.

Thousands more migrants, Mexicans and foreigners, remain stranded in Ciudad Juárez in search of an appointment through the CBP One mobile application, through which the United States Government grants them one day and one hour to appear in eight different ports of entry, including the Paso del Norte-Santa Fe.

On Thursday, the Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, Troy Miller, reported that the United States will continue to accept up to 30,000 individuals from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti each month as part of the expansion of this humanitarian program announced at the beginning of the year. ; however, despite the end of Title 42, Mexico agreed to receive 30,000 citizens from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua each month, who may be returned to both the northern and southern borders of the country.

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